In this article, you will learn more about creating and using Selection Strategies through the Language Editor. This is one of our five articles about different types of strategies that can be created. Click here to access an introductory article
Selection Strategies
A Selection Strategy work as an alternative to Screening Filters. If you are willing to set up more complex conditions and advanced logic to filter your Screening, a Selection Strategy is what you've been looking for!
Selection Strategies, or Screening, are executed in Real-Time according to the asset’s price variation.
In order for a Strategy to be considered a Selection one, the function “Select” must be present at some point of the Strategy.
Here's an example of a Selection Strategy involving all assets in which the RSI of 10 periods is indicated as Overbuy or Oversell:
if(IFR(10) > 70) then
else if(IFR(10) < 30) then
To add any strategy you must create a new Screening Filter. Done that, instead of selecting the option “Use Filter”, select “Use Selection Strategy” and search for the Selection Strategy you wish to use. After, add the Screening.
To read about the other four types of strategies, access the links below:
For further info about the functions mentioned above, read the following content by our partner Nelogica (available in Brazilian Portuguese). The document has a downloadable PDF file with the tool’s functions at the end of the text: Strategies Module.
We also recommend watching the introductory playlist about the module on this link (Available in Brazilian Portuguese).
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