If you have faced a rejection regarding the API permission when submitting your order on Vector, this article is for you. We have prepared this material so you can understand the reasons for this message and why your order was not executed as expected.
Some Exchanges require you to enable permissions when creating your API Key. Below you can find what is necessary to enable on each Exchange when creating your API Key:
Enable Reading and Enable Sopt & Margin Trading.
Binance US
Enable Reading and Enable Sopt & Margin Trading.
Read and Query (Default) and Transaction.
Coinbase Pro
View and Trade.
These permissions need to be enabled on the Exchange website when creating your API key. To learn more about the step-by-step process for creating your API Key, just access our article "How to link my exchange account to Vector platforms".
** Binance requires these permissions to be reset every 90 days.
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