P2P trading, also known as Customer to Customer (C2C ), functions as a marketplace for cryptocurrency.
Using the exchange's systems to take advantage of all security measures necessary, a cryptocurrency seller can quickly find a buyer and close the transaction. The system will only finalize the operation when all validations are complete and approved.
This system is similar to traditional currency exchange transactions, and it's a quick and reliable way to acquire cryptocurrencies. It could be challenging and unsafe to find counterparts online outside of the exchange environment. P2P is also a good starting point for trading crypto pairs, as it is required to have a cryptocurrency balance to start trading.
For example, with the BTC/ETH pair, we need to have Ethereum in our wallets as it is the currency used to quote Bitcoin. We can use P2P trading to acquire Ethereum to trade the BTC/ETH pair later.
However, P2P trading is available only through exchanges, and it can't be accessed on Vector platforms.
For more information about P2P trading and how to use this system with our partners, please access the links below:
NovaDAX (Brazilian Portuguese): https://blog.novadax.com.br/o-que-e-peer-to-peer-entenda/
Binance: https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/360039384951
Binance US - Access to the Market Data service that allows operating through simulation, except residents of the United States of America: https://www.binance.us/en/home
Mercado Bitcoin (Brazilian Portuguese): https://blog.mercadobitcoin.com.br/saiba-como-comprar-e-vender-bitcoin-com-o-mercado-bitcoin
Coinbase Pro: https://help.coinbase.com/en/pro.html
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