It is very important to perform maintenance on your Vector platform, either to organize free disk space or even to reinstall the platform after formatting the workstation.
With that in mind, this content intends to complement the article already published in this link, in which we explained how the platform can be located on our Windows workstation. Here, you will learn how to reinstall or uninstall the Vector platform. Shall we?
Uninstalling the platform
To start the process, identify the platform icon present on your desktop or search for the platform’s name on the Start menu. If the icon is on your desktop, right-click it and select the option Open file location:
Once the folder is opened, select the icon Desinstalar (Uninstall) and proceed with the instructions that will appear on-screen:
There you go! After this process is finished, the main dependencies of your Vector (executable file and local database) will be removed until the next installation is effected.
If your platform is a Whitelabel version (entry platform hired through your exchange), the process is the same. Check the example below with the MB Vector platform, in partnership with Mercado Bitcoin:
Reinstalling your platform
If you have to reinstall your platform on a newly-formatted workstation or on a new Windows computer, you have 2 options:
Option 1 - Access the Vector website and login with your registration data. Afterwards, access the path My account > Subscriptions:
There, you will find the list of all your active subscriptions and their respective download links beside them. Then, locate the installer on your browser and start the installation process (this process happens in the same way for Whitelabels):
Option 2 - Below, you will find the download for Vector platform:
Vector Line (Basic, Standard, Pro):
Right after clicking on the platform's correspondent download link, the installer will automatically start its process. After, follow the instructions that will appear on-screen until the end.
You will be ready to adjust your platforms whenever you need after following the instructions above, either for new Windows workstations or your current one!
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